I work as a producer and project manager in the performing arts. It´s not only about time scheduling, initiating new collaborations, negotiating contracts, making and keeping budgets and solving one billion problems along the way. It’s to face the darkest hour before the sun rises (usually a couple of weeks before the premiere) when everything’s supposed to come together and it just does’nt. That’s when you keep your shit together, bring in audience to rehearsals and remarkably enough the mess clears and the performance come to life.
I’ve worked as a producer at Orionteatern in Stockholm, and for the last four years with Virpi Pahkinen Dance Company. As a project manager at Orionteatern I’ve been organizing children’s and school activities as well as the talks and seminars program.
I’ve found out that I prefer nature and the outdoors to the stage. The experience of distance – from the tiny and incredibly close to the immense landscape is a set design in itself. Merging place, text and streamed audio as well as using new tech to bring new forms of performing arts. My latest project is an immersive audiowalk set in a park in Stockholm.
My favourite place when I was a kid was at the library. Books were my escape and my real world. It was my mental food, so I had to keep eating. I think my record is seven books in one week. If reading is like eating, then writing is like cooking. Now I’m frying up new books for hungry kids.
In the past I’ve written extensively for film and television as well as for the stage.